Ping Uptime Monitor Help
App Usage
How do I get a notification when a site is down?
The app will trigger a critical alert notification directly on your Mac. Make sure you've enabled notifications for Ping in System Settings. See webhooks if you want to send notifications elsewhere outside of your computer.
How to import a list of urls?
You can import a CSV file with a list of urls in a single column. Optionally, the second column for the method, otherwise it uses the default method in Settings. Third column for an optional name. The preferred import/export format for the app is JSON, which can include all possible configurations per site.
The app is not showing in the menu bar
macOS hides the left-most menu bar items if there isn't enough space. Try removing other items. You can also reorder the app to the right by holding ⌘ command and dragging the icon to the right to take precedence over others.
Can I stream logs in terminal?
log stream --predicate 'subsystem == ""'
What does the Pro version include?
See the Pro info page
Where do I enter my license key?
If you bought the app directly and were issued a license key code, you don't have to enter it anywhere. The direct purchase version already comes fully Pro unlocked. Please save it for support purposes. If you need assistance or need to be reissued a copy, we can verify your purchase with the key.
I am unable to restore my previous App Store purchase:
Make sure you are signed into the App Store with the account you made the original purchase with.
How do I redeem a promo code?
1) Goto the App Store app. 2) Click your user name in the bottom left to goto the Account page. 3) Click Redeem Gift Card in the top right. 4) After entering your code, the app should recognize it when you go through the purchase process.
What is the refund policy?
Since the app has a free version to try, we generally do not offer refunds on upgrades. If you bought the app through the App Store, you can request a refund from Apple at their discretion.
AppleScript: Open the Script Editor app then File -> Open Dictionary... -> Ping.appExamples:
tell application "Ping" to pingAll tell application "Ping" to export tell application "Ping" to import POSIX file "/path/to/file" tell application "Ping" to createSite url "" method "GET"
Webhooks allow you to notify another service endpoint when a ping fails. You can configure this to send yourself emails, notifications, etc. at your own setup and expense. These are just some examples of what you can do:
Push notifications to your phone via Pushover (
Once you sign up and follow Pushover's directions to set up an app, you can enter the following in the Webhooks setting pane in Ping:
Webhook URL: Method: POST Parameters: token | [your api key from pushover] user | [your user key from pushover] message | $MESSAGE
Email Notifications via Zapier (
Once you sign up, create a new Zap. Set the trigger to "Webhooks by Zapier" with event to "Catch Hook". Set the action to "Email by Zapier" with event "Send Outbound Email" and fill in your email details. You can then enter the following in the Webhooks setting pane in Ping:
Webhook URL: [webhook url from Zapier] Method: POST Parameters: payload | $MESSAGE
Email Notifications via IFTTT (
Once you sign up, click Create.
If this: Webhooks -> Receive a web request
Enter an event name, such as "ping". This will be event in the webhooks url
Then: Email -> Send me an email
Body: {{Value1}}
Grab your webhooks_key from: -> Documentation
In Ping settings:
Webhook URL:{event}/with/key/{webhooks_key}?value1=$MESSAGE Method: GET
Additional tip: IFTTT will shorten urls in the message by default. You can turn off Auto-shorten URLs at
Slack Notifications (
Create a new Slack app with an "incoming webhook".
Webhook URL: [webhook url from Slack] Method: POST Parameters: payload | {"text":"$MESSAGE"}